01 January, 2014

NEW YEAR 2014:

Nine hours and thirty-six minutes from the start of 2014 and we were sitting on the floor at our current flat. The mover took our seats, tables, whites and other items we put in storage. I have disposed of some of my major stuff and gave out some. My flatmate and I will be going separate ways in relation to our job setting. The rest of my stuff that cannot fit my car on the drive down to Wellington I asked the mover to transport to my new home. It has been over a week since I was sleeping on the couch. My back started to feel sore and my throat for some reasons has gone itchy and painful. It could be dehydration or the dust from old files and stuff that needed sorting. 
Corazon sent me a message inviting us to dinner at their place in time to meet the New Year. The food there was sumptuous. It was a timely blessing as the mover had removed our microwave, pans and kettles too. Corazon and her family was my first flatmate when I first moved to Auckland. I knew them from way back in Christchurch when I first set foot in New Zealand. So in this rotation of life we do swirl around, in and out of our friends life. Some friends are meant for keeps.

The clock ticked the final seconds of 2013 and finally came 2014. If just to uplift our spirits we decided to jump and shout our lungs out but that we did inside the room. Somehow we were surely in some kind of maturity level that we did it with consideration that we do not shock the neighbours to think that an emergency is going on. Otherwise the police would  check on us. 

We were tuned in to CNN to monitor how the New Year goes around the world. The Sky City Tower spurted out bits of fireworks. We could only wish the show was something more of stunning. We argued among ourselves that New Zealand being the first city to meet the New Year should welcome it competitively with our neighbour Sydney. The display at the Sky City Tower was more of just like a match stick compared to other cities that really put more imagination and energy into it.  It is more fun in the Philippines indeed!

We went home feeling chilly on a summer night. We were tired but I spent a few minutes with Darlene from home. My eyes can only close so I went to sleep. The first day of the New Year was a rainy one. It was as usual a quiet new year in New Zealand compared to the Philippines but yes less fire crackers means less accidents related to that. 

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