27 December, 2008

gorgeoushoney and bluechicbug

Complementary and supplementary that is what they are. They both live different and individual lives and together spell out their own criteria of camaraderie, excitement and fun. Both cool and calm, with a touch of lady-like qualities which could turn out into a big, hilarious outburst of humour and laughter when both are drawn together.

They poke bizarre jokes on each other without offense. They smile, raised eyebrows and keep themselves secure from external pressures all the same, yet is there with outstretched hands and shoulders for each other to hang on in times of need. Together, they do not go looking for words to say things in their minds ... they understand each other with just by the wink. In private, they know who their friends are and deal with the rest as civil as they can.

Both love each others lovers and loved-ones. They keep their own secrets that if there is anything at hand.( probably there is) Both keep their own circle of friends with which anyone of them can just slip to and out of it as is comfortable for them ... and this holds true both in personal and cyberspace.

As regards internet, gorgeous is the mentor- the bug the willing and consenting learner most of the hours. They share tunes, files, pictures, etc ... sometimes though, the learner finds more things than the mentor which may find the latter a wee bit behind.(just a wee bit, i said) As readily as the two can find enjoyment, pleasure and fun on things that accessibly come their way, one is always ready to rescue the other from potential traps and fall. The fact strengthened their bond all the more.

Across the miles, they conquered time and space and nurtured each others' friendship. They burn the line if just to keep in touch. They update themselves about the different worlds they have explored yet keep the glow of identity they have stood for. When challenged by failing connections they both manage to find some spaces to type their messages if just to keep those silly grins.

Most parts of their being they keep open to each other. Their minds and their hearts mostly leaving the soul a few to sacredly keep. They go to different churches yet they both go to almost the same shops, parlours, restos and gym.(that was before). They both dare grab the microphone if given a chance and are both comfortable with their mini-skirts and hair colour regardless of who cares.

Apart they share the hope of getting reunited if just to replay the past.

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