23 December, 2013


Three days before Christmas of 2013 the malls are full, car park is hard to find, traffic is heavy as everyone went busy and engrossed on spending for the Christmas celebration. The amount from the last pay have all gone to their assigned budget by now. The next salary release will be a day before Christmas and the desire to spend is compelled to be restrained. In the season of giving the heart and mind is stressed with the compulsion to share.

Nineteen days before the 9th of next month when the next tenant is able to free us from the tenancy agreement  financial freedom is tight. It is the month's end so awaiting the fortnight's pay is the usual weekly charges plus the monthly bills like power, water, internet, sky and the phone. I have not worked since the 20th therefore I should not expect anything on the 8th of January and there are outstanding obligations to deal with like rental, insurances and daily overheads.

Sixteen days before starting another job there are things to deal with. There is the need to move stuff  622 kilometres apart. The vacated flat has to be sorted out and the other one has to be set up. There are services to cut and notices to send. The demand for commercial services particularly the cleaner and mover are at its peak and we are racing against time. Life is like a tornado of demands pulling, pushing and actually swirling us around. All these can be nerve wrecking but in the worst of times some things do come up to what we can call good timing.

I used to start work on a Friday and it was late in the afternoon when I got the confirmation that I start work on the 6th of January. I dated my letter on a weekend when I wrote it and was thinking that it will be read on a Monday and should start counting the two-week notice period from then.  Anyway admin considered the date of my letter and therefore I was two days out of work as I expected. It spared me another two days pay but it came out to be good timing as it gave me more time to get connected to people and services required for the move.

Our tenancy agreement ends on February and the landlady made sure that we understand we will pay the rent until the contract expires or a new tenant is ready to take the place. We set Christmas time which is a Wednesday to make the house available for occupancy should a new client takes it. A cleaner was scheduled for the 22nd and a mover was set to pick stuff on the 24th. It was rather an awkward time to clean before moving the stuff. Anyway many viewers came to look at the flat but for one reason or another it was not taken.

Last night the owner sent us a message that a contract has been signed for the new occupant to move in on the 9th of January.  This is another good timing as it gives us enough time to do what was required and also it was just about time that we have to leave anyway.
Confronted with moving cost, bond to pay, and other miscellaneous expenses during the two week transition period it was also timely that I have two week equivalent left of my Annual leave.  As I write, I am left with some unwanted stuff which I like to dispose off. I feel a bit stressed when I posted it in TradeMe and no one bought it but something tells me  to calm down. Probably there is a good time for those.

The things happening to me now is ordinary, it can happen to anyone. It is just that for me I see my life to be directed by faith that it is so for a reason. I believed that when I am prompted to do something a way will be provided to accomplish its purpose. For now I might just act with grace under pressure. There seemed to be proper timing with how things are working.

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