It is the 21st of December and once again the smell of the year-end is close by. Waking up on the couch spell some major events for me this year. A couple of days ago I disposed of the bed I slept for 4 yrs. with the realisation that in this very changing existence I cannot accumulate so much load for good.
I resigned from my job in aged care two weeks ago. With two weeks notice requirement, I am now on my first day of the transition phase. I had aimed to go into another field of nursing in New Zealand and that awaits the next year.
For almost 7 years a reunion with my daughter occurred during 2013. It was a bitter sweet catch up as we dealt with the vast changes that surfaced during the passage of time. The opportunity caused major realignment of priorities and the setting of new goals. In life it is true that, "No man is an island". There will always be people needing our hand. Others need can earn or cost us our living but then again turning our heads on them always bring a reward in us.
2013 also define the phrase "Nothing in this world is for free". There is always a commensurate compensation for things we get. Our choices determine our accountabilities. For whatever impact it makes on anyone the rule is Debts are to be paid. We learn as we position ourselves in the state that we are liable for and must therefore find our way out of the maze.
As we moved on we think about the people we met and the people we are leaving behind. It was a joy to hear of the good words friends have to say. It is sad to see the dissolution on people that has learned to treasure our friendship yet it is also a motivation to become better for the next.
Thank you 2013. Nothing is for naught. We move on!
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