I was awake from two in the morning till it was time to get up at half past five. My flatmates were not working and I was expecting to walk my way to work. The threat of rain was on the horizon, I was only happy to realized that my other flatmate was actually ready to go for an overtime job and offered to drop me on his way.
It was forty five minutes before my shift and therefore had the time to sort out my plan for the day. All the staff were quite ready and happy to start working, gathered for change over and we were all on our job.
Till I came to a diabetic man's room at half past eight. He was still in bed.
Good morning Harry, how are you today ?
Lazily, " uh' " .
We need to check your blood sugar - is that alright ?
He slowly pulled his left arm from under his blanket and stretched his hand out. I got a gauze and cleaned a finger and pricked. A small amount of blood sluggishly came out. I put it on the strip and it read - 12.7 mmol/blood. Your blood sugar reading is 12.7 mmol/blood , are you ready to get up for your insulin ? Lazily he sat on his bed. I dialed the required units of insulin and injected it on him.
Your breakfast is on your table, how would you like to have them before it gets cold?
Lazily he replied, soon.
By the way Harry you have breakfast pills as well.
He replied: put in the tray I will take them when I finish eating.
I saw him got up off his bed and moved to the table. Harry's orientation is quite good. He is the kind of resident who keeps his own glucometre and checks his own BSL when you leave. One time I knocked on his door one morning and he yelled - yes come in. In time the resident next door walked to my medication trolley and asked for her pill. While his neighbor was all ready to take her pill, I decided to give her lot.
In something like two minutes, Harry rang the bell. When I opened his door - he pointed his finger on me:
You, when I call, you have to come right away.Why you did not come?
I said, you saw me right through your door Harry and you know I was giving a pill to Robyn.
He said, no you have to come right away.
I told him - I have no time to argue Harry.
No listen, he insisted - when I call you should come right away.
I then said - what do you want then? He said - you do my bed and tell your staff to put cream on my leg.
I said, I am medicating Harry and I do not do beds, I will send someone else to come.
When the caregiver came to his room, he pointed to his bed and floor all messy with stool and urine and said the nurse did it. My staff told him, what do you mean the nurse did it - of course you are the one doing it. Why did you not ring the bell when you need help ?
Anyway today, forty five minutes after I saw Harry starting to eat his breakfast, a caregiver came to me. Please can you talk to Harry. He is really annoying me said the caregiver. Why what is wrong? I asked. The caregiver explained - he rang the bell and demanded he wanted to see you right now! He said - you left the pill on his tray without being told. Oh dear I gasped - no unreasonable arguments please - I still have heaps to do.
I went to his room - courteously said:
Harry did you call for me ?
Why you left the pill without tell me ? - pointing his finger to my face.
Calmly I said - Harry you told me you will take your pill after eating.
Why you said you are busy in the hospital ? I went there nothing happen.
Calmly: Harry there are other residents here in this place and they need as much attention as you do, what is really your problem ?
Why you come late other staff they come to me first thing in the morning ? Reply: Harry different things can happen on different days but you still had your medication on time.
No, you do not give me Panadol. The other nurses they give - you no.
I replied - Paracetamol is not your regular medication, if you are sore now all you have to do is ask and I can give you.
I went back to the treatment room and got two tablets of Paracetamol - here is your pill Harry, are you alright now?
No, at night you give my insulin at eight no good.
I told him - Harry your other insulin is at bedtime and I can give it at eight. What time do you want your insulin then?
He pointed his finger again - No, no, no - dont ask me? You come and give not me telling you.
What are you really driving at Harry? Are you just trying to find fault with me ?
No, I do not like the way you wok ...
The way I walk ? - repeating his statement.
Yes ... others they are very good you no good.
Did you say ... the way I walk ?
Ah no ... I mean wok, trying to work it out with his hand.
Ahhh you mean the way I work. You see Harry, I am not saying that other people are not doing things the right way but I assure you that I know that I am not doing you any harm. If you want things done your way , then you say it and I will see what I can do.
Why I have to tell you? you should know ...
Okay, I have no time for arguments Harry, I have things to get done. I turned in desperation and headed for the door.
He shouted - Fuck you Chinese !
I was getting upset but I wanted to laugh. - What Chinese I am Filipino nohh !!!
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