22 December, 2010


Three more sleep and it will be Christmas Day. A day to think about ourselves as followers of the One called Christ. The season brings different meanings to each and everyone of us. Christmas is celebrated in different ways.

Moments in childhood remind me of how I welcomed the season with the thought of opening the gifts under the christmas tree. It was also the time of carols and noels. I reckon children singing Jingle Bells with flattened metal softdrink lids modified into castanets and how the coins are kept handy to give to them. Adult carolers get bills on envelopes though.

Christmas could be the best time of the year in childhood. The school break may be short but festive, colourful and fun. When I was older and working in the Philippine setting I looked forward to Christmas with the 13th month pay and other bonuses. Things are different now but it should not be too bad.

I am on my regular rostered shift on CHristmas day. It may sound sad but really not at all. Working on Christmas day will take the mind out of nostalgia and will benefit the time and a half pay plus a day in lieu. The spirit of giving is not even gone. I feel working on Christmas day is a more significant way of showing affection and care through an honest and full attention to ones role as a health service provider. It is more significant than throwing coins, handing envelopes and packing gifts.

Personally I think it is good to learn to find gratification and earn a silent contentment within our hearts to spend time with the lonely and longing souls. I believe nurturing the ailing and frail spirit within the now thinning skin and porous bones  of God's masterpiece could be a great exercise of faith. Of course I love the fun and company of friends which I enjoy most of the time within the year. Surely I have fun with food, wine, music, laughter and even blabber but Christmas is dedicated to a special time of love and service.

When I had that some kinda freaky shift last night with one patient stirring the workplace with her tantrum yelling and slamming the door - one patient crying of depression - another one getting affected and upset starting to scream himself - when other patients coiled in fear as they kept in their room - another one confuse, restless and calling trying to roll off the bed - one wandering, moaning and getting difficult -I can only take a deep breath and say - thanks for the chance to live and grow - strength is the greatest gift I have this Christmas.

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