01 February, 2014


In earlier times when the Earth and around it was more stable I sleep with just my scriptures at the side of the bed. Times had changed. With advancing technology I realised the least I should keep handy in my sleep is my phone and car keys. That I decided after the shaky capital anniversary.

At 4o'clock this morning I woke up to use the toilet. Going back to bed I saw my work keys with me. My phone's battery was running flat and the car keys was nowhere in sight. Feeling too lazy I forego of the car key but charged my phone. Then my mind set off to play the jigsaw of thoughts in my head. 

My phone has my scriptures, timepiece, music, navigation, reminders, notes, torch, not to mention the basic use of communication, camera and many more. In my car used to be a run-away bag which is due for re-loading.I had the bag down the foot of the bed and these created a monster of a mental story.

The video went to project myself in a situation where I was hungry and wanting to drive out for a meal. It could be because I was thinking of cooking dinner but ended up sleeping without. Then I started to panic when I saw my car was nowhere in the garage. It must be due to the awareness that I slept without making sure where the key was. For a while I was in a state of frustration seeing the people seem to know something but were not willing to help. It was like feeling the need to escape and run fast but you just could not mange to do it. It must be because of my belief that I really should keep the stuff handy for emergency. The weird thing that told me it was only a dream was the setting and the people in it. 

A couple of nights ago I was chatting with my brother and getting too tired I suggested we re-connect this weekend. He was in my dream trying to help me. The other people I saw were already dead who time and again I think about. Then someone came into the picture apparently explaining where and what happen. The episode was most likely to happen if indeed I was in the right place but thankfully I woke up to the reality that I am miles away. I opened my eyes to stop a nightmare. Times in the past when my dreams warned me of things to come. Such occasions did not make sense until the events unfolded itself with time and I look back to realise I saw it in my sleep. Today was obviously just an interplay of unresolved thoughts in the subconscious. It should be a good day!

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