1. FIRST 3 THINGS U DO WHEN U WAKE UP : a good stretch in bed to tune-in all the muscles; a few minutes of reading to give the mind a good start; a humble prayer to warm up the heart.
2. 3 OF UR ROUTINE THAT TAKES U A LONG TIME AND WHY : warm morning shower to clean me up, refresh my senses and enhance my system ... i do not get out of the water until everything has worked as i want it; doing my hair - shampoo- condition- treat - blowing and ironing ; and maybe taking that 600m walk to the workplace ...
3. UR REACTION TO FOOD : I do not usually feel hungry but I eat for energy , I am more into liquids as I tend to dehydrate easily . Heaps of juice, no coffee, a cup of tea with lemon without sugar and milk if ever I take one. Water - water - water .
4. FRIENDSHIP : I am confident to say I am an extremely loyal friend ...
5. ROMANCE : hihihi ... hard ... well I love with all my heart, care with all my might , potentially the best while the passion last....do not like that question enough.
6. 3 POSITIVE TRAITS: sense of humor to take as much sarcasm as tolerable - enough patience to endure challenges and forgiveness to an honest mistake
7. 3 ODD TRAITS : naughty - sharp when losing temper - outright when provoke
8. HAPPINESS: I am most happy when I am with people I know are honest, faithful and loyal to me. With them I care not for time, effort nor money . They are my friends and will always be there for them.
9. SADNESS: When I am cheated and used and when my friends are under assault.
10. 3 PERSONS U HAVE DEDICATED MOST ATTENTION : my daughter ; my friends ; and my special someone.
11. 3 STUPID THINGS U HAVE DONE: I made it through life feeling proud of my humble achievements and learning from my mistakes. I do not see anything of what I have been through as a waste. I may not be the best but I have done the most I can.
12. 3 THINGS YOU WANT DONE: hmmmm ... if I can make one miserable soul see that life is beautiful and let him/her have peace in his/her heart I am alright ... better if I can get more.
13. PLACES UR MOSTLY SEEN: in my bedroom - workplace - shop
14. THINGS MOST LIKELY TO BE ASSOCIATED TO YOU: lifesize mirror, personal ref , high heeled shoes, AV-home theatre set, oven, laptop , a car when I practically need to have one.
15. CLOTHES : Im not very particular about clothes - tshirts and denims will do , I like mini skirts but I feel cold here ... (hihihi) - some simple and elegant stuff for church.
16. EXPENSES U COULD DO WITHOUT BUT INSIST TO HAVE: scents - skin and hair care -
17. THINGS IN MOST WOMEN'S DESK THAT U DO NOT HAVE: make up set , jewelries and other accessories
18. R U STUBBORN? maybe just determined for I would rather do without than get something less of what I intend to get. no substitution for me ...
19. HATE: I may get hurt and stay away from the pain or stress forever but I do not hate someone.
20. LOVE: Sorry to say but I am not capable of unconditional love ... Im not religious but for all that I am my spirit feels and believe my GOD has extended me so much of unconditional love but I cant and have not done it to my fellowmen. Relationships just have to be fair...could be the blood of heroes in me ... hahahaha
21. OPPOSITE SEX : I believe men and women are complementary and supplementary - I would sweetly surrender something I enjoy for my best mate but the best could be the hardest part of it.
22. STRENGTH AND CONFIDENCE: A number of people come to me to say I am strong - I have my own weaknesses which I try to resist but could not hate myself for the times I failed. I know I am not stunningly attractive but I do not strive to be. I work a decent job and do my fair share of life's duties and obligations to get me going. When the time comes I must go and so be it.
23. ANY SILLY THOUGHTS : will probably answer later ... could not think of any right now...
24. COLOUR: Coolness of Blue - Elegance of Black - Pureness of White.
25. IF U WERE: an animal ?- a lioness; a flower? - rose; a fruit ?- strawberry; a bird? - eagle
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