10 September, 2008

The Unseen Hands Of God

A time in my life when I was cheated and pushed so hard. I fought for mortal justice all with my human mind and head. Then comes the intercession of One who knows best - He lives in the heavens and sees everything on earth. He frowned on exploitation and saved me with love - He showered me with all the blessings so joyful I have no room to doubt - then a grudge became easy to forget and my heart could only laugh - God in His justice truly rewards a pure soul in ways that is divine, He lifted my burden and the scorge of pain. In the depths of woes He gave me moments to realize i have true friends instead of a user, a testimony that He has never forsaken me if just to say that he has spared only the best moments with people who deserve the fruit of my honest and sincere labours. Saved from bondage i see the horizons getting so wide, a promise of a bright tomorrow shining on a not so distant site. A reason for thanksgiving to One so mighty and strong, nothing can stay His unseen hands working on His servant. I will serve my God in ways that I am called, heal a heart and ease a mind, master compassion for my brethren for in this world I have a role to do. When this corruptible existense in past, I will meet my Master at the judgment seat. I will bring with me the script of my life on this earth and will reap what I deserve. I know I was never perfect, all I have done and can be is try my very best. Friends come to me now saying I have been strong, deep within me I know my own weaknesses were there to conquer

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